Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 10

Filmore, Ut to Rawlins, Wy

Mountains just east of Provo, Ut

Wind farm in Wyoming with mountains behind 

The bike turned over 10000 today!

Miles for the day = 423                                                       total =  2531


  1. Didn't notice I could post to you here. Provo mountains are the Wasatch, biggest one is Timpanogos.

    I sent you a note about comfort. Throw some 4x1 risers on, while your bars are loose roll them a bit to find a "neutral" position for your arms. Leg problem might be helped by scooting forward or back in the seat - sounds like you are compressing the sciatic nerve.

    Long distance riders don't jump on a new to them bike and ride 2000 miles!

    Hope you are feeling better.

  2. Lost my comment, i'll try once more. From Rawlins take 287 north to 220, right on 220 to Casper. Watch for signs for Martin's Cove.
    Stop there.
    The Mormons are busily rewriting Oregon Trail history, but they don't have to. One of the most significant events in pioneer Mormon history happened here when a hand cart company froze, many to death. There is a small garden in from of the visitors center with a path leading to a number of bronze plaques bearing quotes from pioneer journals.

    Read the quotes. When finished, return to your bike with tears in your eyes. Do not return to the highway, you need recovery time. Instead, ride east a mile or two to a gap in a rock wall where the road goes through. Turn the bike off and listen for voices on the wind.

    Everyone on the Oregon Trail, the California Trail, the Mormon Trail, the Pony Express and the first telegraph went through this small gap in the rocks called rattlesnake pass.

    A few miles on is independence rock, impressive but not the way Martins cove is. Having seen these two, you can skip the Oregon trail centering Casper - too big and too many robots.
